My Attempt at Blogging


Carles Octavianus


July 12, 2023

My Attempt at Blogging

I’ve wanted to start blogging since high school, but I always struggled with coming up with content. Even in university, I found myself wanting to write but not knowing what to write about.

Now, I’m making my nth attempt at consistent writing and have named my blog Car’Log[n] (short for “Carles’ Log index n”). My hope is to write something that can be useful to others.

This blog is inspired by Lilian Weng’s blog (which you can find here). While I’m not using Hago and Paper Mod like she does, I am using Quarto as my content management system. I’ve tried to make my blog as similar as possible to hers (although it won’t be 100% the same).

I chose Quarto because I used it in my Sains-Data-2023 and PDNum-2023 laboratory classes earlier this year.

I hope to be consistent in my writing.

Carles Octavianus

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